Want a team that's stellar AND affordable?

Team Up LAB:
Hire & onboard your first or next team member so that you can get your time back
Are you...
- Overwhelmed with to-do lists a mile long.
- Frustrated by your company’s lack of growth because there’s “no time” for anything
- Resistant to hiring help because you believe you can probably do it faster yourself.
- Doing the same tasks repeatedly with no system for leveraging your time or talent.
- Unsure how you’ll manage all projects without having a nervous breakdown.
- Convinced that you can’t afford to pay someone at the skill level you need.
- Secretly dream of working normal hours while your “team” runs some things for you.
You may think you can’t afford to hire help. But the truth is...you can’t afford NOT to!
Here’s some more truths….
- You CAN find perfectly aligned team members to help you (and you’ll love them!)
- There ARE ways to train them without taking all your time
- Finding the right people means they WILL do a better job than you
- It’s possible to breathe again, without spending a fortune!
I can help.

Team Up Like A Boss is a step-by-step program,
that helps you find powerhouse team members
for the right seats,
so that you can leverage your time.
If you're an online entrepreneur looking to create a quality team and lay the foundation for growth...
Then let's set you up to be:

Strategic: Be the visionary of your business while attracting affordable, A-list players to fill in the rest.

Supported: Find your first virtual assistant or uplevel your current crew so that you are fully supported by a self-managed team.

Systematic: Get the business clutter off your plate and into the hands of a team so that you’re working less while making more.
Sweet Testimonial Love
Theresa showed me how to shift my team members into taking responsibility so that I could get my time back.
“I came to Theresa feeling overwhelmed because I was spending too much of my time managing just one employee. Theresa showed me how to shift my team into taking on responsibilities rather than just doing tasks so that I could get my time back. Her trainings will help anyone feeling overwhelmed by the idea of having to manage a team.”
- Stephanie Rose
Owner & Author at Garden Therapy

I have a new CEO approach to everything I do and I'm no longer scared.
“Theresa's program gave me a huge mindset shift! This program is perfect for the solopreneur who is tired of working alone.”
- Pam Farley
Owner of Brown Thumb Mama
If you're ready to build your team (rather than doing ALL the jobs yourself), Theresa's program teaches you how to do just that, with clarity and detail.
“You'll learn how to shift to the CEO mindset, how to conduct a productive search for team members, and what kind of project management software you can use to make most efficient use of your (and your team's) time.”
- Ellen Zachos
Owner & Author at Backyard Forager