
Is it possible to have a self-managed team?

Theresa Loe: Leadership & Team Building Coach

Streamlined & Scaled® Consulting:

Streamline your biz & build a self-managed team so you can scale with ease!™

If your business is growing fast - but you’re feeling frustration instead of freedom these days...OR your team seems inefficient and you’re overwhelmed with all the “to-dos" on your list...I can help you tame the chaos.


Are you...

  • Stretched too thin and involved in every project
  • Working too much & sacrificing your time
  • Finding yourself managing instead of leading the team
  • Dealing with messy communications & watching balls get dropped
  • Wondering if you have the right people in the right seats within your company
  • Unsure how to find/hire affordable, yet stellar people to fill the gaps
  • Frustrated with no one tracking metrics, setting & consistently reaching goals for you
  • Juggling too much and not getting ahead
  • Unclear on what needs to be fixed or how to fix it

Your Business Is Probably Growing Faster Than Your Team, Your Operations & YOU. 

Everyone starts their businesses with just a laptop and a dream. After wearing all the hats yourself, you probably started to bring in helpers to take over bits and pieces.

But the thing is...

If those hats weren't handed off to the right people, in the right seats, in the right way, you can end up increasing your workload and stress - instead of reducing it.

And if the backend of your company is not set up to accommodate your front-end growth...things get messy pretty quickly.

In other words...The chaos grows as your business grows.


Here's what you need to know...

You CAN have an incredible, small but mighty team!

They CAN be accountable and affordable!

You CAN have streamlined operations handling massive growth spurts.

You CAN & SHOULD focus on only wearing the most important hat of all...The Hat Of The Business Owner.


The truth is...

Everyone has to upgrade the INSIDE of their business eventually so that they can switch to working ON the business instead of IN the business.

Waiting to fix things can reduce growth, increase stress and even burn you out. None of that is fun.

I can help you fix the chaos!


Let me assess your business for being Streamlined & ScaledSM  - Then, we'll transform you and your team into a team-driven powerhouse. 

As your consultant, I work with you to strategically up-level the backend of your business...step-by-step.

First we assess where you are. Then we set the vision for where you want to be and we strategically set everything up to get you there.

Not only that, but...

I also train your team to execute your plan and work within your newly streamlined operation. Your entire team goes through my Powerhouse Team Academy to learn all the ins and outs of being a stellar team.

Together we focus on your leadership and their aligned execution so that your team is self-managed and impact-driven.

Your current day-to-day operations are not interrupted...they are accelerated! In fact, they’re elevated to new levels with each step in the process.


Discovery: First, we assess your team and business backend for efficiency. We discover your unique synergy and develop a plan for improvements so that you have the right people in the right seats overseeing the right projects.


Leadership Training: Then, we build up your CEO leadership skills so that you :


  • Are the leader (NOT the manager) of your team
  • Empower The Team for Self-Management
  • Feel Confident That Your Delegated Projects Are Moving Forward
  • Remove Yourself From the Day-To-Day Operations
  • Easily Inspire The Team To Reach Higher Goals
  • Focus on CEO Activities and Let The Team Do The Rest
  • ...and more

Team Training: Then, we train your team to align with you so that they:


  • Step Into Accountability For Their Roles
  • Elevate Their Efficiency with Better Systems & Processes
  • Understand The Importance of Safeguarding Your Time
  • Cultivate Stellar Communication & Reporting
  • Provide you with multiple touchpoints to track everything
  • Use Weekly Metrics for Growth & Team Goal Setting
  • ...and so much more
Sweet Testimonial Love
Jasmine Star Business Strategist & Photographer at JasmineStar

Her training has been a game changer!

“I invested in Theresa's training for my team and I cannot say enough good things about the experience. She deeply understands the position of supporting ambitious CEOs with big ideas. And she's a master at gently guiding them to step fully into their work with confidence.”

- Jasmine Star

Business Strategist & Photographer at JasmineStar


Theresa has great insight into being a better leader without sacrificing time.

“I loved working with Theresa to streamline and organize how my team works together. She's very skilled at finding a team's blind spots and offering simple solutions to working more efficiently.”

- Rick Mulready

Online Business Strategist at RickMulready


- Rick Mulready Online Business Strategist at RickMulready
Julia Magnusdottir Chef & Health Coach at Julia’sFood

I would highly recommend Theresa’s team trainings to every business owner that wants to take their business to the next level.

“In the past, I had struggled with finding the right person for my integrator (2nd-in-command) role. But Theresa taught me how to find someone that was best suited to my particular needs. And she guided me on getting them on board quickly and efficiently. This time, I’m confident that my integrator is a perfect fit.”

- Julia Magnusdottir

Chef & Health Coach at Julia’sFood
Stacy Tuschl

With Theresa's help, we built our dream team.

"Theresa Loe's superpower is finding the right people and helping them sit in the right seats in your business. Hiring the right people has saved me tons of money and time and I love knowing my team members were made for the roles they were hired for."

- Stacy Tuschl

CEO & Creator of The Foot Traffic Formula


I'm now a more effective leader and my team is THRIVING.

Part of my work with Theresa involved working on ME as the CEO - including how I articulated my vision to my team. Together, we dialed in my team's roles, communication and how each team member owns their role without me micro-managing. I'm so thankful for Theresa's guidance."

- Britt Seva

Social Media & Marketing Strategist for Hair Stylists


Britt Seva
Tracy Campoli

 Going through this process helped me fix the leaks inside my business.

"Theresa helped my team and I set up systems and processes so that I was able to take a 3-month maternity leave. It was life-changing! My income didn't change and from the outside, no one could tell that I was on leave. I'm so grateful because I'm still reaping the benefits of being streamlined."

- Tracy Campoli

Lifestyle & Wellness Coach

Thanks to Theresa, my team and I are no longer stressed!

“Theresa helped us clarify all the roles and make sure we had the right people in every position. From the very beginning, Theresa understood my situation perfectly and knew exactly how to solve all of our issues so that we could get the whole team to perform their best.”

- Angel Alegre Garcia

CEO at Vivir al Máximo


Angel Garcia
Candus Kampfer

I now trust in my abilities as the CEO and leader in my business.

“Before I started working with Theresa, I was doing way too much and I needed a more solid team behind me. Plus, I wasn’t sure how I would lead that team once I had them in place. After going through Theresa’s Streamlined & Scaled Leadership program, I became much more confident. I’m able to communicate deeply and authentically with my team and we’re now working together so I can stay in my zone of genius and be a true CEO ready to grow and scale.”

- Candus Kampfer

CEO & Creator of Confidence with QuickBooks

Ready to streamline, build a self-managed team AND scale with ease?