SS 88: How Your Mind Can Hold You Back

SS 88 How Your Mind Can Hold You Back -

Reprogramming Your Brain For Growth

Surprisingly, 95% (or more) of our daily behavior is automated based on the experiences of our past. This is why we can read about how to do new things, but will continue to fall back on the same actions we’ve always done. 


This is also why we can run into resistance, procrastination or self-doubt when we want to grow our business or step into a bigger version of ourselves. Our brains run old programming that gets in our way.


In this episode, I share exactly what’s going on below the surface and why we can get stuck when trying to step into more leadership and growth. Understanding how our brain is working is the first step in reprogramming it.



You’ll learn:

  • Why we need to reprogram our brain for growth
  • How your brain responds when you do new things
  • What causes you to feel uncomfortable during growth
  • Ways you can get unstuck
  • And SO much more…


Resources & Links Mentioned:

FREE Leadership Meditation Reboot



Related Episodes:

Episode 72: How To Build Better Habits

Episode 24: Leadership During Uncertainty

Episode 17: The Mental Game Of Entrepreneurship

Theresa Loe: Leadership & Team Building Coach
Hi, I’m Theresa Loe, and I help online CEOs set up their team and operations to be strategic, sustainable and scalable in a aligned and purposeful way so they can scale their business.

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