SS 49: Be Massively Strategic With Your Time

SS 49 Be Massively Strategic With Your Time -

How To Make Your Time Work For You

I’ve taken SO many programs on time management and they’ve all been awesome. I’ve gleaned useful info from ALL of them and adapted them to what works for me.

I invite you to do the same. Take what I share and adapt it.


One concept that is important to grasp is the advantage of planning ahead of time. But what I find is that most people plan their time incorrectly. They allow things to manipulate their schedule to the point of losing control. 


This means that your days feel super “busy”…but unproductive. You find yourself putting out fires and never getting to the important stuff.


Let’s fix that!


In order to get traction on the things that matter most, you need to master the way you plan your time. You must be strategic with your time instead of reactive.


And that’s what I teach you to do in this episode: Be Massively Strategic With Your Time


You’ll learn:

  • Why weekly plans are better than daily ones
  • The step-by-step method of planning your time
  • The 4-D framework of prioritizing
  • How to make room for unscheduled things
  • Why focus time is key
  • And SO much more…

Free Self-managed Team Training -


Resources & Links Mentioned:

Do A Time Audit Now

Be Massively Strategic With Your Time Worksheet


Related Episodes:

Episode 50: The Value of Your Time

Episode 51: Making More Time

Episode 37: Is Your Business Messy?


Theresa Loe: Leadership & Team Building Coach
Hi, I’m Theresa Loe, and I help online CEOs set up their team and operations to be strategic, sustainable and scalable in a aligned and purposeful way so they can scale their business.

Streamlined & ScaledSM


Leverage Your Time, Talent, & Team